Announcing Druid Magazine


One of the most fun things I’ve done this spring is to work on the inaugural issue of Druid Magazine as an editor for the Magical Crafting column.  A lot of very talented folks have put a ton of heart and soul into this project, and anyone with an interest in Druidry should check it out!

From our intrepid Editor-in-Chief, Renu:

Dear friends, With great pleasure, I announce the launch of Druid Magazine,, the OBOD members’ publication on American Druidry. An amazing team of talented editors, writers, authors, and artists worked very hard to birth this creation. We hope you enjoy reading and interacting with the magazine as much as we loved developing it for our community. Please send us your feedback. And consider joining the team! In addition to editorial positions, we will be accepting submissions for the fall issue until July 31, 2015.

We hope you enjoy the launch of Druid Magazine and join in the conversation about what it means to be an American Druid. Let us know what you think and any suggestions for content. Get involved—we are looking for writers, artists, copyeditors, and researchers among other positions.

The theme of the fall issue is the harvest. Submission deadline is July 31, 2015. Find more information on the next writing contest here. Please see submission guidelines and the style guide for editorial policies and procedures. Click here to submit. If you have a question for the Green Thumb Gurus, click here.

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